To report a case of elder abuse please contact the Adult Protective Services Hotline at: 1-844-437-6282.
The SDAAA is the focal point for service delivery to those 60 years of age and older. Under the auspices of South Delta planning and Development, Inc. the Area Agency on Aging is one of ten designated aging units in the state of Mississippi. It is the HUB for elderly services funded by the federal Older Americans Act, state ,and supplemental funding, in the six county area.

The mission of the AAA is to foster the development of a comprehensive and coordinated service system for older persons within the planning district.
a great network
The AAA partners with a network of service providers: Bolivar County Council on Aging, Bolivar County Community Action Agency, North Mississippi Rural Legal Services, Sunflower – Humphreys Counties Progress Inc., Traditions Food Services Inc., Warren-Washington-Issaquena -Sharkey Community Action Agency Inc., & the YMCA for the provision of services.
Coverage Area
E&D Medicaid Waiver provides services in the following counties: Bolivar, Humphreys, Issaquena, Sharkey, Sunflower, and Washington.
The MAC Center serves 14 Delta counties: Bolivar, Carroll, Coahoma, Holmes, Humphreys, Issaquena, Leflore, Panola, Quitman, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Tunica, and Washington.
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

South Delta AAA, in partnership with the Department of Labor & Mississippi Department of Employment Security, provides an employment program for seniors through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). SCSEP is designed to provide, foster, and promote useful part- time opportunities in community service employment for low-income persons who are 55 years of age or older and, to the extent feasible, to assist and promote the transition of program enrollees to private or other unsubsidized employment.
For more information, interested persons may contact South Delta AAA or visit the Department of Labor website at www.doleta.gov
Mississippi Access to Care Center (MAC)

Our Mission: MAC Centers aim to help empower people to make informed choices and to streamline access to services and supports. MAC Centers help older people and people with disabilities- along with their families and representatives – secure needed services or benefits, live with dignity and security, and achieve maximum independence and quality of life.
The Mississippi Access to Care Center is the designated LCA(Local Contact Agency) to support the resident’s expressed interest in being transitioned from the nursing facility to community living. Once the LCA has been notified of the resident’s request, information about community living options and available supports and services will be provided to the resident or their responsible party. The TCR (Transition to Community Referral) Form is the tool used to initiate the process and identify services needed for a successful transition. Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Centers are welcoming and accessible places located across the state where people can obtain unbiased information and assistance in locating services and supports. MAC Centers provide a central source of reliable and objective information about a broad range of programs and services by helping people understand and evaluate the various options available to them regardless of income or eligibility for publicly funded long-term care. Please submit all referrals to MACCenterTCR@mdhs.ms.gov
Mississippi Access to Care Centers are located across the state to help Mississippians find reliable, objective, and unbiased information about a broad range of programs & services.
MAC Center Specialists provide option counseling for:
- Waiver Services
- Home Delivered- Meals
- Senior Employment Programs
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Family Caregiver Support
- Legal Assistance
- Transportation
- Utility Assistance
- Veteran Services
- Prescription Savings

Elderly & Disabled Medicaid Waiver Program

The Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Medicaid Waiver program is designed to offer assistance to qualified Medicaid beneficiaries. The program allows qualified individuals to remain in a home or community based setting as an alternative to nursing facility care or other institutional care. For more information please visit the Mississippi Access To Care website. All persons who are eligible to receive Home and Community – Based Services under this waiver must first be approved through the Division of Medicaid.